ECO Secretary General Meets with Ambassador of Russia
ECO Secretary General Attends International Conference in Ashgabat
ECO attends 8th North and Central Asia Multi-stakeholder Forum on the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals
City of Erzurum Prepares for Designation of the ECO Tourism Capital 2025
Training Course on Fight against Corruption
Meeting of the Consular Officials of the Member States
Azerbaijan Hosts 3rd ECO Think-Tank Forum 
The First Meeting of the Working Group on ECO Joint Trade Zones

Tehran – October 14, 2024 ECO Secretary General Dr. Asad M. Khan met with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Islamic Republic of Iran, H.E. Mr. Alexey Dedov.  Dr. Khan informed the honorable Ambassador about the history of

Ashgabat – October 11, 2024 ECO Secretary General Ambassador Asad Majeed Khan visited Ashgabat, Turkmenistan in connection with attending an International Forum titled: “Interconnection of Times and Civilizations – the Basis of Peace and Development" dedicated to the 300th Birth

On 9-10 October 2024, ECO participated virtually in the 8th North and Central Asia Multi-stakeholder Forum on the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals by the Sub-regional Office of North and Central Asia of UNESCAP virtually.Delivering his statement in the

Tehran – October 9, 2024 On 9 October 2024, a virtual consultative meeting was held to advance Erzurum's preparation as the ECO Tourism Capital for 2025. Key representatives from the ECO Secretariat, Turkish officials and local stakeholders attended the meeting,

A virtual training course titled Fight against corruption was held on October 7, 2024, organized by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The representatives from the Republic of Azerbaijan, Islamic Republic of Iran, Republic of

The Meeting of the Consular Officials of the Member States convened on October 6, 2024, to exchange views and discuss the latest developments of visa procedure simplifications in MS, implementation the provisions of the TTFA regarding Visa regime simplification and

Baku – October 4, 2024 The 3rd Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) Think-Tank Forum convened in Baku, focusing on the theme “Next Generation Economics: Challenges and Perspectives.” Distinguished economists and experts from ECO member states, as well as several other countries,

The First Meeting of the Working Group on ECO Joint Trade Zones convened on October 2, 2024, to exchange views and discuss the development of a framework policy, legal documentation, and guiding principles for establishing Joint Trade Zones. Representatives from

“The Year of Enhanced and Resilient ECO Region through Expansion of Intra-Regional Trade”


Amb. Dr. Asad M. Khan
is the 14th Secretary General of the ECO who started his tenure in August 2024

There are four Deputies Secretary General in the ECO …
There are six directorates and six sections in the ECO …


ECO Region and Global Agenda

The ECO intergovernmental machinery and institutional arrangements, as one of the most prominent regional economic groups in the world, are vividly interacting with the emerging and trending global issues, particularly the UN-sponsored global agendas. It was the case from the 1960s, when ECO’s predecessor - RCD - began to exist close to the “development paradigm” of the day, and continues to be the case in the post-2015 development agenda. The ECO Member States, individually and collectively as a region, are involved in policymaking as well as operational frameworks to react to the challenges/opportunities exposed by the global issues of regional and national impacts. These include, among others, climatic changes, natural hazards, and sectors and themes addressed by the SDGs.


This issue of ECO Chronicle contains information on activities within ECO. It also includes interviews, articles and reports.

Member Countries
Area Km2
Regional Trade
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