The Project Monitoring Group held its 20th meeting on February 06, 2024 to review the ongoing projects and assess their efficiency. The representatives of the ECO Member States and the directing staff of the ECO Secretariat attended the gathering.

    Chairing the meeting, ECO Secretary General Ambassador Khusrav Noziri underlined that as the Organization’s strategy document ECO Vision 2025 is approaching its target year, it is necessary to conclude its review process and to draft a new vision document that would set new targets for regional economic cooperation beyond 2025.

ECO Secretary General also said that due attention should be paid to the existing criteria in identifying a regional project, namely: i) common benefit of the region; ii) acceptability as a regional project; iii) viability and applicability; iv) economy and cost effectiveness; v) compatibility with international standards and requirements, and vi) availability of resources.

       The representatives of the Member States noted that interest of the Member States as well as adequate funding are required for advancement of the projects.