On April 25, 2024, the 7th International Conference “Risk Management in Energy – 2024” was held in a virtual mode. The Conference was jointly organized by the Institute for Energy and Finance Foundation and the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, bringing together a wide range of stakeholders, including governments, international organizations, IFIs, academia and businesses.

The ECO Secretary General Ambassador Khusrav Noziri made a pre-recorded welcome statement in the Plenary Session of the Conference devoted to the Global Energy System Restructuring, where he highlighted the importance of enhancement of energy security and sustainability, diversification of regional energy connectivity, mainstreaming sustainable energy in ECO agenda, as well as the need in balanced energy transition globally with due consideration to different national circumstances. The ECO Secretary General also focused on the ECO’s flagship energy project – Establishment of ECO Regional Electricity Market (ECO-REM).

Further on, the Deputy Secretary General of ECO, Ambassador Hüseyin Avni Biçaklı delivered the PowerPoint Presentation on the ECO-REM Project briefing about the rationale, objectives and current status of ECO-REM within the framework of multilateral electricity platforms.

During the session, the President of the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB) Dr. Serhat Köksal and Dr. Aleksey Gromov, Principal Director for Energy Studies of the Russian Institute for Energy and Finance also underscored that the ECO-REM Project deserves higher attention in the context of energy trade and connectivity not only for the ECO Region, but also for the wider Black Sea Region and beyond.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact:
Mr. Mamatmusa Ukubaev, ECO Secretariat ukubaev@eco.int