Economic Cooperation Organization

The Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) celebrated the 30th Anniversary of its Expansion on December 11, 2022. The ECO Day Celebrations were attended by permanent representatives/ambassadors of the member countries, representatives of the diplomatic corps, dignitaries of the host government and some local guests.

The Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) celebrated the 30th Anniversary of its Expansion on December 11, 2022. The ECO Day Celebrations were attended by permanent representatives/ambassadors of the member countries, representatives of the diplomatic corps, dignitaries of the host government and some local guests.

The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, H.E. Dr. Ebrahim Raisi extended a message of felicitations and well-wishes to the ECO and its Member States on this special occasion.

The Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, H.E. Dr. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian participated in the ceremony as Chief Guest of the Event. In his remarks, he underscored the significance of ECO Enlargement that, he considered, was the turning point in the history of the Organization. The deepening and expansion of economic cooperation with our neighbours, regional countries and Asian States constitute one of the main priorities of Iran’s economic diplomacy, he noted, adding that the country utilizes each and every opportunity to enhance regional integration within the ECO. He also highlighted the shared values as well as cultural and religious heritage of the Member States. The upcoming meetings of ECO Regional Planning Council (RPC) and the ECO Council of Ministers (COM) will provide excellent opportunities to further develop ECO programs and policies in line with regional and global necessities and requirements, the Minister believed.

While addressing the gathering, the ECO Secretary General Ambassador Khusrav Noziri commended the Member States in acknowledgment of their valued contributions to develop and support the agenda of the Organization. Underlining the area and population-wise magnitude of ECO, as well as the geographical importance of the region, he briefed the audience on main areas of cooperation determined by member nations under ECO Vision 2025, particularly the measures taken by the Organization for enhancing regional trade and connectivity. In the context of global competitive trends, he underscored the effectiveness of multilateral cooperation for shared progress and advancement. Regarding enhancement of ECO visibility, the Secretary General enunciated that the Organization is taking serious steps to make its existing partnerships more vibrant and knotting some fresh ties with regional and global institutions to expand ECO collaborative network. In addition, he praised the commendable support of Iran being host of the ECO Secretariat, and the Institute of Political and International Studies (IPIS) for providing their splendid venue to celebrate the ECO Day.

A Special ECO Chronicle was also released on the occasion. Moreover, a photo exhibition was also arranged at the event to reflect some historical sequence and memories of the Organization. The ECO Day actually falls every year on November 28.

Greetings messages on the occasion of ECO Day