Economic Cooperation Organization

The Fourth Summit Meeting of the Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO) was held at Ashgabat on 14 May, 1996. The meeting was attended by His Excellency Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani, President of the Islamic State of Afghanistan, His Excellency Mr. Heider Aliev, President of the Azerbaijan Republic, His Excellency Mr. Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, His Excellency Mr. Nursultan Nazarbaev, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, His Excellency Mr. Askar Akaev, President of the Kyrgyz Republic, His Excellency Sardar Farooq Ahmad Khan Leghari, President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, His Excellency Mr. Emomali Rahmonov, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Mr. Suleyman Demirel, President of the Republic of Turkey, His Excellency Mr. Saparmurat Niyazov, President of Turkmenistan and His Excellency Mr. Islam Karimov, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The meeting was also attended by His Excellency Mr. Shamshad Ahmad, Secretary General of ECO.


Relevant Documents
List of Participants
Inaugural Address of H.E.Mr. Saparmurad Niyazov, President of Turkmenistan
Statements of the Heads of International Organizations
Statement of ECO Secretary General
Report of the Chairman of the ECO Council of Ministers
Ashgabat Declaration