An ECO delegation headed by Mr. Husnu Tekin, Director of the Human Resources and Sustainable Development of the Economic Cooperation Organization, as an observer, participated virtually in Asia-Pacific States Cafأ© Service Forum, held on November 21, 2022. The Forum was organized by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) under the theme of “Measuring Economic Loss from Disaster”. The Forum was attended by participants from 22 countries including Government, Non-Government and Intergovernmental organizations.
The forum highlighted the conceptual perspectives on economic losses from disasters including the measurement of disaster-related statistics. Specific cases on the measurement of economic losses from disasters were also discussed.
The speakers of the forum accentuated that the Asia-Pacific region is prone to various disasters every year and incline to a huge cost to economies, countries, and individual households. The Speakers also made presentations on the countries' compilations including the compilation of inter-regional input-output tables and the applications in policy making.
The speakers also pointed out that the National statistical agencies have not been at the forefront to measure losses from disasters in the Asia-Pacific though they have made strides to produce disaster-related statistics. Other statistical systems are simply in the process of setting up systems to compile disaster-related statistics. Disaster management agencies have been at the forefront to measure potential economic losses from disasters.
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