At the invitation of the D-8 Technology Transfer and Exchange network (TTEN), Pardis Technology Park, the ECO Secretariat led by Ambassador Huseyin Avni Bicakli attended the Fifth Mustafa (pbuh) Prize Ceremony, held on October 2, 2023 in Isfahan, Iran.

Recognized worldwide as the Muslim Nobel, the Prize is a science and technology award presented biennially in four categories: Basic & Engineering Sciences, Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Life and Medical Science and Technology, and Information & Communication Science & Technology. The Prize, with cash award of half a million dollars, is granted to scholars, researchers and scientists from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries to recognize their scientific contributions towards the cause of Muslim World.
The Economic Cooperation Organization attaches immense importance to scientific and technological cooperation and considers it essential for sustainable socioeconomic development of the region. The ECO also acknowledges its scholars and academicians and has a longstanding tradition of presenting ECO Awards biennially in five fields of excellence: Economics, History, Culture, Literature & Fine Arts, Science and Technology, Education, and Agriculture & Environment. The ECO Awards 2023 will be presented on the sidelines of the 16th ECO Summit which will convene on November 8-10, 2023 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.