The Islamic Republic of Iran, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Republic of Turkey established the ECO Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ECO CCI) in 1990 in accordance with Article 30 of the Treaty of Izmir, (1977). This was preceded by the signing of the statute of the ECO CCI by the Heads of National Chambers of the founding members in 1989 in Istanbul. Soon after, National Committees of ECO-CCI were also established by the National Chambers of the signatory Member States till 1993. It may be recalled that the RCD Chamber of Commerce and Industry existed from 1965-1984 which was subsequently replaced by the ECO-CCI.

As per ECO-CCI’s statute, its aims and objectives are to facilitate trade and economic cooperation and promote closer commercial relations among the business communities of the Member States. It was also entrusted the responsibility of organizing joint trade fairs, exhibitions, meetings, conferences, seminars and other trade promotional activities with a view to further strengthening trade relations among the Member States.


National Committee:
Each member of the Chamber shall constitute its National Committee of 7 persons composed of a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, one Treasurer and four members within an organization that represents the commercial and industrial circles at the highest level such as the Union or Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry. Each National Committee shall also appoint a Director for the performance of its secretarial services.

Each National Committee may constitute its Consultative Assembly from the private and public sector on the basis of their contributions to furthering commercial, industrial and economic cooperation among the member countries.

The operating principles and procedures, the term of office, budget and the election of members and executives of the National Committees shall be subject to the legislation of the top level National organization such as the Union or Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of each country.

General Assembly:
General Assembly of the ECO Chamber is the highest organ of the ECO Chamber and is composed of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurers and other members of the National Committees and of the Honorary Members acting as observers who will not have voting rights. The functions of the General Assembly are as follows:

The General Assembly determines policies to achieve the objectives set forth in Article-3 of these presets, makes recommendations and establishes necessary working groups.

Rotation and Language:
The Secretariat of the ECO Chamber will rotate among member countries every two years beginning with Turkey. However, the standard procedure may be reviewed if so desired by the General Assembly. The working language is English. National languages may also be used. In case National languages are used, translation services will be provided by respective Union of Chambers/Federations.
Since its establishment, six technical committees have been set up.

The ECO Chamber shall have an independent budget and its accounts shall be kept by the General-Secretariat. Each National Committee of the ECO Chamber shall contribute equally to the budget that is fixed annually upon the proposal of the Executive Board and approval of the General Assembly of the ECO Chamber.

The General Assembly and the Executive Committee held their 6th and 9th meetings, Executive and Specialized Committee Meetings are being held twice in a year and General Assembly Meetings once a year. These meetings are held on regular basis and the following ones have been held so far:

Top 50 Exporters/Suppliers of ECO Member States


National Chambers

Websites of the National Chambers of Commerce & Industry: