On June 09, 2022 By the initiative of ECO Secretariat, H.E.Mr.Khusrav Noziri, ECO Secretary General has met with Mr. Shixin Chen, ADB Vice President.

On June 09, 2022 By the initiative of ECO Secretariat, H.E.Mr.Khusrav Noziri, ECO Secretary General has met with Mr. Shixin Chen, ADB Vice President.

ECO Secretary General deliberated on the interest of Organization to expand its partnership based on mutually interested projects in the region. Particularly Mr.Noziri has referenced to the prioritized precise actions on trade, transport, energy, agriculture, tourism, sustainable development and disaster reduction stipulated by ECO Vision 2025 expected outcomes. To establish long term partnership ties, Mr.Noziri introduced existing good practice of memorandums of understanding between ECO and other international organizations that concluded during passed years as possible effective mean to enhance ECO-ADB partnership.

ADB Vice President welcomed ideas of cooperation introduced by ECO and expressed interest to launch comprehensive dialogue bearing in mind that majority of ECO Member States are in the Bank’s regional policy framework of CAREC which listed similar fields of interaction in the region. Mr.Chen unveiled possibility of mutual participation of high level and expert group meetings between two entities. As for constituting partnership framework, ADB vice president does not excluded signing of MOU in the future once the sides will come up with concrete actions to carry out.

Two sides agreed to appoint focal points further to discuss areas of cooperation.