The ECO Secretary General, H.E. Mr. Khusrav Noziri virtually participated in the UNESCAP Disaster Resilience Week organized from August 23-28, 2021. Attending the event on the invitation of the UN’s Undersecretary General and Executive Secretary of the UNESCAP, the ECO Secretary General, in his video message, highlighted the ECO scope of activities which embrace various fields with direct and indirect impacts on the social and economic development of individual Member States as well as the ECO Region as a whole.

The ECO Secretary General, H.E. Mr. Khusrav Noziri virtually participated in the UNESCAP Disaster Resilience Week organized from August 23-28, 2021. Attending the event on the invitation of the UN’s Undersecretary General and Executive Secretary of the UNESCAP, the ECO Secretary General, in his video message, highlighted the ECO scope of activities which embrace various fields with direct and indirect impacts on the social and economic development of individual Member States as well as the ECO Region as a whole.
In a meeting held on the theme of “Scaling-up sub-regional and regional cooperation frameworks to manage cascading risks” with participants from International, Intergovernmental and Regional Organization, Mr. Noziri noted that ECO is one of the most disaster-prone regions in the world stretching from central to south and to south-west Asia. The Region is located on a high-risk geological structure, topography and climactic characteristics and is exposed to a wide range of natural hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, sand storms, droughts, floods, glacial lake outburst flood (GLOFs), heat and cold waves, sea water intrusion, cyclones and avalanches that trigger various types of disasters, which cause human and economic losses, the ECO Secretary General underlined.
The ECO Secretary General further conveyed that ECO Regional Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction (RFDDR), developed with financial assistance of the IsDB and technical support of the UNESCAP, is a unique and effective arrangement to move forward in line with the Sendai Framework on DRR and in consonance of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and other frameworks under the overall context of SDGs. He emphasized that smooth implementation of the RFDDR required continued interaction amongst the relevant regional and international organizations as well as development partners.
The ECO Secretary General welcomed the UNESCAP’s recent proposal to cooperate on a new regional framework and strategic action plan for managing cascading risks from natural and biological hazards in collaboration with sub-regional bodies, including ECO to shape a longer-term, holistic, coordinated and more strategic approach with a view to building disaster and climate resilience in special consideration of the Sustainable Development Goals.
The seventh session of the Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) that was convened from August 25-27, 2021 gathered a number of officials and stakeholders from Asia Pacific Region under the theme: “Building-back better after COVID-19: addressing cascading risks and systemic gaps for resilient peoples and economies.” Under the Asia Pacific Disaster Resilience Network, ESCAP’s partnership network for disaster resilience, a Regional Learning Platform, as well as a series of thematic sessions showcased various pathways to build systemic resilience to address multi-hazard risks from both natural and biological. The Week also featured the launch of the Asia-Pacific Disaster Report 2021 as well as a soft launch of the Asia-Pacific Disaster Resilience Network Portal, an online and interactive knowledge portal which aimed to support risk-informed policymaking.