The First Meeting of the ECO-TIR Guaranteeing Associations Consultative Group (ECO-TIRACG) was held virtually on October 2, 2023, with participation of all TIR Associations of ECO Member States. Co-organized by the ECO Secretariat and the International Road Transport Union (IRU), the meeting was inaugurated by the ECO Secretary General Ambassador Khusrav Noziri and the Secretary General of IRU Mr. Umberto de Pretto.

In his remarks, Ambassador Noziri described the establishment of the Group as a major milestone in promotion and involvement of the private sector in the activities of the Organization concerning the transport and connectivity. He highlighted the role of the TIRACG in contributing to the development of transport sector, as well as enhancement of coordination and synergy between public and private sectors, and requested the Group to help further deepening of regional cooperation on facilitation of connectivity and transit transport by providing realistic and practical advise to the relevant decision making bodies of ECO.
Mr. Umberto de Pretto in his opening remarks commended the close and constructive cooperation of the two organizations since 2008 on various issues of transport and transit. He described establishment of the ECO-TIRACG as another mutual achievement that will further cement the ties and enhance public–private cooperation. Mr. Umberto also requested the Group to actively participate and contribute to the relevant meetings of ECO and support the ECO Member States in taking proper measures regarding further harmonization and simplification of customs and transit procedures.
The participants from the TIR Associations while expressing their satisfaction over establishment of the Group, elaborated on some major challenges and bottlenecks of transit transport. They expressed interest and readiness to contribute constructively to the relevant ECO bodies to properly address the risks and challenges for development of sustainable transport in the region.