Ambassador Khusraw Noziri, Secretary General of ECO participated at the 4th UNESCAP Ministerial Conference on Transport held virtually on 16 December 2021.
The Secretary General in his statement highlighted the timely organization of the event at the crucial time as the international supply chain is severely under pressure due to unforeseeable consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and elaborated the impacts of the Corona pandemic on the economies of the Member States particularly the land locked counties of the ECO Region.

In his statement, the Secretary General highlighted the important role of UN bodies particularly UNESCAP in development of ECO region that has resulted in tangible enhancement of transport in the Member States and in this connection he also underlined the joint ECO/UNESCAP/IDB Study Project on Commercialization of KTI Corridor (connecting Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran) and the MoU between ECO and UNESCAP that demonstrate profound mutual commitment towards sharing the strength for development of the region and its people.
The ECO’s chief official, emphatically expressed the will of the Organization to enhance its efforts for development of transport and connectivity in the region for the betterment of life standards and prosperity of its people and invited all the international organizations and financial institutes and banks to support ECO in implementing the wide range of projects included in the ECO Railway Network Development Plan and ECO Road Network Development Plan that benefit its members collectively.
Secretary General reemphasized his confidence that the Ministerial Conference will further highlight the challenges of the sector, recommend practical solutions and streamline all the stakeholders towards a more supportive, resilient, cost effective and sustainable transport.
Ambassador Khusraw Noziri expressed his gratitude towards Mrs. Armida Salsiah Alisjahban, the honorable Executive Secretary of UNESCAP for inviting him to the important Conference, and making excellent arrangement to organize the event.