Republic of Türkiye
Office of The President: www.cankaya.gov.tr
Prime Ministry: www.basbakanlik.gov.tr
Ministry of Justice: www.adalet.gov.tr
Ministry of National Defense: www.msb.gov.tr
Ministry of Interior: www.icisleri.gov.tr
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: www.mfa.gov.tr
Ministry of Finance: www.maliye.gov.tr
Ministry of National Education: www.meb.gov.tr
Ministry of Public Works and Housing: www.bayindirlik.gov.tr
Ministry of Health: www.saglik.gov.tr
Ministry of Transportation: www.mt.gov.tr
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: www.tarim.gov.tr
Ministry of Labor and Social Security: www.calisma.gov.tr
Ministry of Industry and Trade: www.sanayi.gov.tr
Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources: www.enerji.gov.tr
Ministry of Culture and Tourism: www.kulturturizm.gov.tr
Ministry of Environment and Forestry: www.cevreorman.gov.tr
Central Bank: www.tcmb.gov.tr
State Planning Organization: www.dpt.gov.tr
Treasury: www.treasury.gov.tr
Foreign Trade: www.foreigntrade.gov.tr
Customs: www.gumruk.gov.tr
State Institute of Statistics: www.die.gov.tr
Turkish Standards Institute: www.tse.org.tr
Patent Institute: www.turkpatent.gov.tr
Capital Market Board: www.spk.gov.tr
Istanbul Stock Exchange: www.imkb.gov.tr
Competition Authority: www.rekabet.gov.tr
Privatization Administration: www.oib.gov.tr
Small & Medium Industries Development Organization: www.kosgeb.gov.tr
General Directorate of Press and Information: www.byegm.gov.tr
Turkish Armed Forces: www.tsk.mil.tr
Secretariat of Defense Industries: www.ssm.gov.tr
General Directorate of Security: www.egm.gov.tr
Department of Religious Affair: www.diyanet.gov.tr
Turkish Counsel of Higher Education: www.yok.gov.tr
The Scientific and Technical Research Council: www.tubitak.gov.tr
Turkish Academy of Science: www.tuba.gov.tr
Universities: www.yok.gov.tr/univbil/oku22.html
Ministry of National Education: www.meb.gov.tr
Turkish Atomic Energy Authority: www.taek.gov.tr
Marmara Research Center: www.mam.gov.tr
Technology Follow-up & Evaluation Department (Tؤ°DEB) of
Scientific & Technical Research Council (TÜBؤ°TAK) www.tideb.tubitak.gov.tr
Road Traffic Industry: www.roadtraffic-technology.com
Automotive Industry: www.automotive-technology.com
Food Processing Industry: www.foodprocessing-technology.com
Hydrocarbon Industry: www.hydrocarbon-technology.com
Mining Industry: www.mining-technology.com
Offshore Oil & Gas Industry: www.offshore-technology.com
Power Technology: www.power-technology.com
Water Industry: www.water-technology.com
Ministry of Economy (Trade): https://www.economy.gov.tr/portal/faces/home?_afrLoop=31662258090877901
Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Turkey (ISPAT): http://www.invest.gov.tr/en-US/Pages/Home.aspx
Customs Department: https://english.gtb.gov.tr/trade/customs
Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey: https://english.gtb.gov.tr/trade/customs
Ministry of Treasury and Finance: https://www.treasury.gov.tr