Economic Cooperation Organization

 Tehran – July 9, 2024

  The 3rd Technical Committee Meeting for Implementation of the Work Plan of ECO Veterinary Commission (ECO-VECO) was virtually hosted by Republic of Azerbaijan. Attended by representatives of the Member States and the ECO Secretariat, the meeting was inaugurated by Mr. Gurkan Polat, Director of Agriculture and Industry Department at ECO Secretariat, chaired by Galib Abdulaliyev, Chief Veterinary Officer of the Republic of Azerbaijan and continued by Dr. Mojtaba Nowrozi, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Head of Veterinary Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

            Mr. Polat in his opening remarks noted that agriculture and animal husbandry are the most powerful tools to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity, while also emphasizing on the necessity to increase cooperation among Member States in the field of Veterinary issues. 

           Dr. Abdulaliyev informed the meeting about the endorsement of the PPR-free status of the Republic of Azerbaijan by the WOAH (World Organization for Animal Health), declaring their readiness to share experience with the regional countries. Also, Dr. Nowrozi emphasized on importance of facilitation and acceleration of veterinary services, which will lead to economic development and wealth of the people. 

            The meeting further discussed the draft roadmaps for ECO-VECO activities, as well as some obstacles for animal trade and cooperation on veterinary health certificates.