
On 24-25 October 2024, in Istanbul, ECO participated in the “6th  International Congress on Economics, Finance and Energy” jointly organized by Fatih Sultan Mehmet University, Ahmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Azerbaijan State University of Economics and the association of Economics, Finance and Energy. 

Under the theme of “Economic Resilience for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in the Multi-Crises Era,” experts, scholars, and representatives from private and public sectors from 11 different countries attended the conference.  

Dr. Husnu Tekin, Director of HRSD, made a presentation during one of the panel sessions on the “Role of Regional Organizations for Achieving SDGs: Case of Economic Cooperation Organization”. Mr. Tekin informed the participants about ECO and its main activities including the current status of SDGs in the ECO region and Organization’s main efforts on SDGs to enhance global partnership, preparations to develop an Action Plan on Policy Coherence and to convene the 1st Sustainable Development Forum on SDGs.