On the May 23, 2022, the ECO Secretary General H.E. Mr. Khusrav Noziri met with the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Republic of Turkey, H.E. Mr. Faruk Kaymakci who is in Tehran to attend the Brainstorming Session on ECO Reform Process.

On the May 23, 2022, the ECO Secretary General H.E. Mr. Khusrav Noziri met with the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Republic of Turkey, H.E. Mr. Faruk Kaymakci who is in Tehran to attend the Brainstorming Session on ECO Reform Process.

The Deputy Foreign Minister acknowledged the ECO’s importance for the collective socioeconomic development of the Region, re-assuring Turkey’s continued cooperation to help implement ECO’s agenda of shared progress and prosperity in the region.

The Secretary General updated the visiting dignitary on the recent developments and activities of the Organization. Briefing the Deputy Minister on ECO’s expectations from the Brainstorming Session, he stated that it was aimed at gathering the high-level representatives of the Member States to consider various issues and figure out possible ways to address the challenges that appear to hamper smooth execution of ECO’s agenda of regional cooperation. He thanked and commended Turkey for their continued support in the pursuit of ECO’s development targets.