The 2nd Training workshop for Disaster Risk transfer through Insurance Authorities virtually hosted by the Central Insurance of I.R. Iran (CII) was held at the ECO Secretariat on July 19, 2022. The meeting was attended the delegation from Republic of Azerbaijan, Islamic Republic of Iran, Republic of Kazakhstan, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Republic of Uzbekistan and Republic of Tأ¼rkiye. Moreover, the relevant ECO officials also attended the meeting.

The 2nd Training workshop for Disaster Risk transfer through Insurance Authorities virtually hosted by the Central Insurance of I.R. Iran (CII) was held at the ECO Secretariat on July 19, 2022. The meeting was attended the delegation from Republic of Azerbaijan, Islamic Republic of Iran, Republic of Kazakhstan, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Republic of Uzbekistan and Republic of Türkiye. Moreover, the relevant ECO officials also attended the meeting.

The meeting was inaugurated by, Mr. Mohammadian, Deputy Chief of Insurance Research Centre, the Islamic Republic of Iran. In his opening remarks, he stressed the importance of comprehensive insurance system to help cover the disaster losses and abate the damaging impacts of natural hazards on human societies.

The ECO Deputy Secretary General, Dr.Sayed Yahya Akhlaqi appreciated the Islamic Republic of Iran for hosting this important event. He expressed concerns over the increasing natural hazards that continue to pose serious threats to the human lives and livelihoods. Referring the relevant objectives of ECO Vision ,“ 2025, he said that the Organization attaches great importance to an expanded level of cooperation amongst Member States in the field of Disaster Risk Management .

He stressed Disaster Risk Insurance (DRI), on the other hand, is known as one of the most efficient approaches that is able transfer the risk of disasters to risk takers around the globe.

The meeting deliberated extensively the various topics, inter alia, strengthening regional and interregional connectivity and joint action with regard to “Application of Natural Hazards Risk Assessment in Catastrophe Insurance, Rapid Loss Assessment in Earthquake , Necessity of employing novel methods in developing exposure models to reduce the cost of disaster risk insurances studies in developing countries and Development of an Insurance Earthquake Risk Model (IREQ) for Buildings in Iran.