The Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) expresses deep condolences over the tragic incident occurred at the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Tehran claiming the precious life of a diplomatic official as well as injuring two other staff members of the Embassy.

The Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) expresses deep condolences over the tragic incident occurred at the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Tehran claiming the precious life of a diplomatic official as well as injuring two other staff members of the Embassy.

While sharing earnest sympathies with the bereaved family, the People and the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Organization wishes for early recuperation of the injured.

Recalling the strong condemnation concerning the incident made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the host country, the ECO has fervent hope for the expeditious and objective conclusion of the matter, believing that such sad eventualities will not impact the strong historical and cultural ties existing among its Member States.