Economic Cooperation Organization

DSG (T&I and A&I)

Mr. Seyed Mohsen Esperi (Iranian National) assumed the charge of the Deputy Secretary General (Trade & Investment, Agriculture & Industries (AI) and Transport & Communications) at the ECO Secretariat in […]

DSG (Tourism, Project Management & Judicial Coordination)

Ambassador Jandos Asanov (Kazakh national) is ECO Deputy Secretary General (since 1 February 2020) in charge of Tourism Directorate; Project Management Section; Judicial and Parliamentary Coordination and ECO Advocacy Programme […]

DSG (T&C and HRSD)

Mr. Kashif Zaman (Pakestani National) Mr. Kashif Zaman (Pakistani National) assumed the charge as Deputy Secretary General for Transport & Communication and Human Resource & Sustainable Development (T&C and HR&SD) […]