Dushanbe – September 18, 2024

A bilateral meeting was held in Dushanbe between His Excellency Sharifzoda Farrukh Homiddin, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan, and ECO Deputy Secretary General Ambassador Silapberdi Nurberdiyev. The bilateral interaction emphasized the critical need for enhanced regional cooperation among ECO member states. Both sides highlighted pressing issues such as enhancing regional connectivity, disaster risk reduction, capacity building and sustainable development, underscoring the importance of collective efforts to address challenges posed by recent pandemics and conflicts.

Ambassador Nurberdiyev underlined ECO’s commitments stronger integration of ECO Member States, especially the landlocked countries, through enhanced connectivity by establishing an advanced regional transport network in line with the ECO Vision 2025 and SDGs. Further, he outlined ongoing initiatives in this context.

Both sides highlighted the achievements of the recent 9th Ministerial Meeting on DRR, which resulted consideration of implementation of areas and targets of the Dushanbe Declaration and the formulation of the ECORFDRR aligning with the Sendai Framework. The Tajikistan side expressed openness to hosting future ECO events, including the 4th ECO Ministerial Meeting on Industry, and showed interest in actively participating in initiatives such as the ECO Veterinary Commission and the ECO RISCAM.