At the invitation of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the ECO Secretary General Ambassador Khusrav Noziri attended “Conference on Iran and BRICS: Prospects for Partnership and Cooperation” and inaugurated panel discussion on “The Multilateralist Iran”.
The panel discussion shed light on membership of Iran in various regional and international multilateral arrangements and the country’s significance in such architectures.

Representing the Economic Cooperation Organization, Ambassador Noziri briefed the audience about ECO and its core acitivies in priority areas. Tracing the origin of Organization, he highlighted Irans’s inceptive and pheonomenal role in the Organization. He also highlighted Iran’s potential as a linchpin in regional trade, investment and connectivity as the country enjoys unique geostrategic location.
While making concluding remarks, the Secretary General congratulated the Islamic Republic of Iran on acquiring full membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization during the recently-held SCO Summit in July, 2023 and extended best wishes for its desire to join BRICS family as expressed by the honourable Foreign Minister of Iran during his statement at the Friends of BRICS Foreign Ministers Meeting on June 2, 2023 in Cape Town.