
On the sidelines of his participation in the 77th UNGA Session at New York, the ECO Secretary General, H.E. Ambassador Khusrav Noziri held a bilateral interaction with the Secretary General of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), H.E. Mr. Dato Paduka Lim Jock Hoi.

On the sidelines of his participation in the 77th UNGA Session at New York, the ECO Secretary General, H.E. Ambassador Khusrav Noziri held a bilateral interaction with the Secretary General of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), H.E. Mr. Dato Paduka Lim Jock Hoi.

During the meeting, Ambassador Noziri briefed the ASEAN Secretary General about the ECO structure as well as the Organization’s activities and engagements in various development sectors, including trade & investment, transport & communication, agriculture, energy, social welfare, tourism, environment and regional cooperation on cross-border issues. He also underscored the significance of ECO-ASEAN collaboration and the importance of the MoU, signed between the two sides in 2006, that institutionalized their cooperative relationship. He recalled that their various joint ministerial meetings emphasized on the importance of strengthening and expanding the existing level of cooperation between the ECO and the ASEAN. Moreover, the ECO Secretary General informed the ASEAN dignitary about the preparations of the 26th Meeting of the ECO Council of Ministers (COM) which is scheduled to be held at Tashkent on November 30 ,“ December 1, 2022.

The ASEAN Secretary General thanked Ambassador Noziri for his informative presentation on ECO and its activities. He also acknowledged the importance of ASEAN-ECO partnership for greater inter-regional cooperation, exchange of knowledge and expertise. Assuring his complete support and willingness to further improve the ASEAN-ECO working partnership, he expressed optimism that the two sides’ joint activities in all identical areas would enhance based on their existing MoU. In this regard, he seconded the initiative of the ECO for revitalizing their framework of cooperation in line with the ASEAN-ECO existing MoU.