The ECO Secretary General, H.E. Mr. Khusrav Noziri participated in an international conference held on May 30, 2022 in Tehran under the title of “Iran & the 30- year-old BSEC: Prospects for Cooperation”.

The ECO Secretary General, H.E. Mr. Khusrav Noziri participated in an international conference held on May 30, 2022 in Tehran under the title of “Iran & the 30- year-old BSEC: Prospects for Cooperation”. The conference was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Islamic Republic of Iran in collaboration with Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC). The conference was attended by over 100 high level dignitaries from Iran, international organizations as well as UN bodies including H.E. Mr. Mahdi Safari, Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Diplomacy; H.E. Mr. Stefan Priesner, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Iran and H.E. Mr. Lazar Comansecu, Secretary General of the BSEC. The Conference recognized the significance of pragmatic approaches for enhanced regional cooperation in Asia and Europe.

During the inaugural session of the Conference, the ECO Secretary General appreciated the organizers for providing an opportunity to the relevant stakeholders for exchanging their views in order to meet the challenges of the contemporary world and highlighted the importance of close cooperation for realization of the common sustainable development goals especially in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. While sharing some of the recent achievements of the ECO in various areas of cooperation, H.E. Noziri specifically mentioned activities and regional projects of the Organization in the field of transport. He further maintained that there is need to establish linkages among ECO and the BSEC for promoting regional cooperation in the fields of common interest.

Towards the end of the conference, two special sessions of discussion were arranged on enhancing regional connectivity and public-private partnership where the participants provided their views and shared their experiences for enhanced cooperation in the wake of latest regional challenges.