- Establishment of ECO Center of Excellence for Efficient Water Utilizations for Agriculture (ECO-CEEWUA)
The 4th Ministerial Meeting on Agriculture (September 2008, Baku) approved the establishment of the ECO Center of Excellence for Efficient Water Utilizations for Agriculture (ECO-CEEWUA) and requested the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to prepare, in collaboration with member states, the Secretariat, FAO and other concerned international organizations, a project proposal for establishment of the Center. The 19th RPC welcomed the approval by the 4th Ministerial Meeting on Agriculture on the establishment of the Centre in Pakistan and called on Member States for the support of its activities. The 18th and 19th COM approved the establishment of ECO Centre of Excellence for Efficient Water Utilization for Agriculture (ECO-CEEWUA)in Islamabad, Pakistan.
The 3rd Working Group Meeting for the Establishment of Centre was held virtually on February 9, 2021 under the chairmanship of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The amended Draft Plan of Action and Draft Statute for the establishment of the ECO-CEEUWA has been circulated among member states for their views/comments for finalization. Subsequently, due to absence of any input from the Member States within the set time limit, the forwarded draft report, Draft Plan of Action and Draft Statute were considered as “FINAL”.
Following the 33rd RPC Meeting, the Secretariat urged the Member States to cooperate in creation of a network among their relevant organizations and also nominate national focal points/institutions for expediting the process of Establishment of the Centre. As the next step, feasibility study for establishment of the center will be done.
- Establishment of ECO Nanotechnology Network
The 1st ECO Taskforce Meeting on Establishment of ECO Nanotechnology Network (Tehran, May 20-21, 2008) agreed with the proposal to establish the subject Network and submission of the Project Proposal to the CPR and to the 18th COM for approval. The 18th COM (Tehran, 9th March, 2009) endorsed the Project on the Establishment of ECO Nanotechnology Network and it was launched by Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council (INIC) as the coordinator on 26 May 2009.
The 1st ECO Steering Committee on establishment of ECO Nanotechnology Network (ECO-NANO) was held on 5 November 2009, in Tehran with some proposed programs. The Study on “Nanotechnology Progress in ECO Region” prepared by the INIC was released at a ceremony at the headquarters of the Council on 22 January 2017. The website of the ECO Nanotechnology Network (http://www. econano. org) was also launched at the same event. The Second Steering Committee on ECO Nanotechnology Network was held virtually by Iran on July 10, 2023. The ECO Nanotechnology Network agreed to focus on project proposal “Establishment of a coordinating and facilitating platform for implementation of Nanotechnology based water treatment pilot/demo plants in ECO” for implementation regarding its importance and necessity for the ECO countries. As the next step, the ECO Nanotechnology Network will focus on the subject project.
- Establishment of ECO Agricultural Biotechnology Network (ECO-ABN)
The 2nd Ministerial Meeting on Agriculture held on 6-7 December 2004 Antalya, Turkiye, welcomed and endorsed the offer of Islamic Republic of Iran to establish a Network for Agricultural Biotechnology. The 4th Meeting of Ministers of Agriculture called on related international institutions for establishment of ECO Agricultural Bio-Technology Network and financial support for this network.
The 1st ECO Experts Group Meeting (EGM) on the establishment of ECO Biotechnology Network (ECO-ABN) was held on April 22-24, 2006 at the ECO Secretariat. The meeting discussed on ECO-ABN as a platform to facilitate the working of the national agricultural research institutes in ECO countries with an increased efficiency and effectiveness for collaborative research in the area of biotechnology. The 2nd Expert Group Meeting on the ECO Agricultural Biotechnology Network (ECO-ABN) will be held on October 26, 2023.