ECO Deputy Secretary General, Dr. Seyed Yahya Akhlaqi participated in the opening ceremony of “Regional Dialogues Workshop on Sustainable Food Systems towards the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals by 2030” on 18 October 2021.

ECO Deputy Secretary General, Dr. Seyed Yahya Akhlaqi participated in the opening ceremony of “Regional Dialogues Workshop on Sustainable Food Systems towards the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals by 2030” on 18 October 2021.
This virtual workshop has been organized by National Dialogue Convener Office in Turkey with the support of the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office in Turkey, FAO-SEC Office and UNFSS Secretariat within the scope of United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS).
The Deputy Secretary General of ECO Secretariat while presenting a statement in this workshop, emphasizing on the increase in the world population and the need for high quality food, developing agriculture sector and decreasing the number of undernourished people.
Dr. Akhlaqi declared that for facilitating agro trade in the ECO region, there is an urgent need to enhance cooperation to address and overcome regional challenges. Demonstration of political commitment at the highest level to regulate the legal framework for integration and harmonization of standards for related infrastructure based on scientifically justified international standards at all stages of the agro sector from production to certification and exports is essential. Improving interaction among universities, public institutions and farmers, new technologies, increasing investment in research, protecting genetic diversity and halting the degradation of soil are the main solutions for achieving food security in the region.
He added that ECO’s Regional Programme for Food Security (RPFS) represents as flagship project in the field of agriculture. Agriculture is being impacted by the implementation of this Programme with Turkey as coordinator. The Regional Coordination Centre (RCC) on the Implementation of the RPFS was established and started its operation at the Headquarters of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of Turkey in Ankara with the support of FAO.