Economic Cooperation Organization

Police & Law enforcement Cooperation

Basic Documents- TOC ECO Plan of Action on Combating Transnational Organized Crimes ECO Plan of Action on Drug Control Joint Regional Strategy to Combat Drugs INTERIOR MINISTERS MEETING 24th December, […]

Parliamentary Coordination

Basic Documents CHARTER of PAECO Rules of PAECO First PAECO Conference 11-12 Feb 2013-Report of PAECO 2nd PAECP Conference 1-2 Jene 2021-Islamabad Decleration 31 May- 3 June 2021-Executive Summary-2nd PAECO […]

Judicial and Anti-corruption Cooperation

Judicial Cooperation 3rd Meeting of Attorneys General Meeting 30-31 January 2018-3rd AG Final report 31 January 2018-ISLAMABAD DECLARATION Final. 2nd Meeting of Attorneys General Meeting 3-4 November 2015-ANTALYA DECLARATION 4th […]

ECO Advocacy Programme for Afghanistan (EAPA)

Pursuant to the task/mandate given by the ECO Head of States/Governments in their 13th Summit held in Islamabad on 2017 and the 25th and 26th Regional Planning Council (RPC) meetings […]