Directorate for Agriculture and Industry is the multi-sectoral directorate in the ECO Secretariat responsible for initiation, implementation and monitoring of ECO activities in two important sectors of agriculture and industry.

This makes the role of the directorate interlinked with some of other directorates in ECO Secretariat. The ECO Vision 2025 has also elaborated mandates for the Directorate in implementation of the measures under priority 5 (Economic Growth and Productivity).
Treaty of Izmir has identified effective utilization of the agricultural potential of the Region as an area for regional cooperation. The multi-faceted nature of agriculture (in terms of its impacts on food security, health, employment, rural development, natural disasters, environment, natural resources, economic growth and productivity) makes its importance for ECO Region and countries, as is the case for other countries and regions in the world. One of the main frameworks within ECO is the FAO-sponsored “ECO Regional Programme for Food Security (RPFS)” which consists of 9 components.
Industry sector is of high importance for the economies of ECO Member States. ECO Member States have common interests and problems in different areas of industry in the region. Increasing productivity and enhancing the capacity in relevant institutions, developing economic infrastructures, and promoting industrial trade are amongst the issues dealt with by ECO Member States within their industrial sectors. They have decided to cooperate regionally in the ECO context to address these issues and other issues of common interest, including industrial standards and quality control, SMEs development, promotion of the role of private sector and privatization, technology transfer, industrial property rights, nanotechnology, etc.
Director and Staff
Mr. Gurkan Polat (Turkish national)
Director for Agriculture and Industry
Tel: + 98 (21)-22831733-34
Mr. Mehrdad Fallahi (Iranian national)
Programme Officer
Tel: (+9821)22831733-34
Mr. Shafqat Zahoor (Pakistani national)
Desk Officer (TI&AI)
Tel: + 98 (21)-22831733-34