There are six directorates and six sections in the ECO Secretariat staffed by professionals working in the relevant areas of regional economic cooperation. Each directorate is headed by a director while the each section is run by head of section. There are also several programme officers and research officers working in each directorate of the Secretariat.
Trade and Investment
Trade and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) play an important large role in the economic growth of developing countries. Increased exports and inward investment creates wealth which drives economic growth and hence creates jobs in an economy.
Transport and Communications
Directorate for Transport and Communications (T&C) is the leading section within the ECO Secretariat for initiation, coordination and monitoring of the ECO projects and programmes in transport and communications. Since adoption of the...
Energy, Minerals and Environment
Energy is among the priority areas of cooperation within the ECO. The enhancement of energy security and sustainability through wider energy access and trade was identified as one of ECO’s strategic objectives. ECO strives for building up the diverse and resilient energy architecture in the region.
Agriculture and Industry
Directorate for Agriculture and Industry is the multi-sectoral directorate in the ECO Secretariat responsible for initiation, implementation and monitoring of ECO activities in two important sectors of agriculture and industry.
Human Resource and Sustainable Development
Directorate for Human Resources and Sustainable Development (HRSD) deals with the matters relating to human resource development, social development, health, disaster risk reduction, and civil registration. The Directorate is also mandated by the ECO...
Directorate for Tourism is tasked as responsible the ECO Secretariat’s body for initiation, implementation and monitoring of the ECO activities in tourism sector. This unit is the also responsible to pursue the expected outcomes envisaged un...
Project Management
Treaty of Izmir (1996) Article IV: “The Summit meetings shall review the objective conditions and progress in implementation of ECO programmes and projects and shall also serve as the highest-level forum for exchange of views on regional and global issues of common interest to the ECO region”.
Judicial & Parliamentary Coordination and ECO Advocacy Programme for Afghanistan Section
JPC & EAPA section is entrusted to providing the Member States with necessary services in their efforts to strengthen judicial cooperation. Coordinating the regional cooperation of the law enforcement systems of the Member States. Developing...
Coordination & Follow-up
The Follow-up and Coordination Unit (CFU) is the Secretariat’s focal point for preparations for/follow-up to the meetings of the decision making bodies, including COM, CPR and RPC. The CFU important functions are normally upheld through coordination a...
International Relations
ECO has gained recognition by the international community as an important regional grouping in this part of the world. This has been personified in numerous cooperative arrangements between ECO and UN agencies, funds and programmes, as well as with non-UN...
The Administration Section of the is responsible for human resource management of, logistical supporting services to the activities of the Organization as well as the maintenance of the premises and properties of the ECO Secretariat.
Legal Affairs
ECO basic documents
MoUs/Cooperative arrangements
The Legal Advisor plays a pivotal role in providing legal services to the ECO Secretary General, officials of the Secretariat, and the Organization as a whole. His responsibilities...
Economic Research and Statistics
Economic Cooperation Organization endorsed the area of the Economic Research & Statistics in 2005 as one of its core activities. Over the decade-long existence, this area has produced essential analytical economic reports and consolidated ECO regional data. The High Level Expert Group (HLEGM) on Statistics was established in 2006; whereas the ECO Permanent Steering Committee on Economic Research (EPSCER) has been set up in 2010 for the purposes of Economic Research.