Economic Cooperation Organization

ECO Webinar Reviews Application of Artificial Intelligence in Public Life 
ECO Secretary General Meets with the Deputy Foreign Minister of Iran
Tour Operators from the ECO Member States Convene 
ECO Project on International Standards and Standardization Successfully Completed
ECO Deputy Secretary General meets Uzbekistan Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovations
ECO Deputy Secretary General attends meeting of Youth Affairs Council in Bukhara
ECO Participates in Global Forum on Education in Samarkand
ECO Secretary General Calls for Strengthened Cooperation with Asia Cooperation Dialogue

Tehran - July 2, 2024 The Webinar on Artificial Intelligence, organized by the ECO with the aim of increasing knowledge transfer and capacity building in AI regulation, highlighted the role of artificial intelligence in driving sustainable development and enhancing public services.

Tehran - July 2, 2024 ECO Secretary General Ambassador Khusrav Noziri met with His Excellency Mr. Mehdi Safari, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Minister for Economic Diplomacy Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, on July 2, 2024. The interaction

Tehran - July 1, 2024 The 7th Meeting of the ECO Tour Operators' Network (ETON) was held virtually on July 1, 2024, bringing together representatives from various tour operators across the ECO Member States. Mr. Hasan Tufan, Program Officer of

Tehran - June 30, 2024 The ECO Secretariat successfully completed a 5-day Train-the-Trainers Training Programme on International Standards and Standardization held from June 24 to 28, 2024. The program was attended by more than 50 Experts and Master Trainers from

Tashkent - June 29, 2024 ECO Deputy Secretary General Mr. Kashif Zaman met with Uzbekistan Minister for Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Mr. Kungirotboy Sharipov on the sidelines of Global Youth Festival in Tashkent. The meeting discussed ways to enhance

Bukhara - June 28, 2024 ECO Deputy Secretary General Mr. Kashif Zaman attended the meeting of Youth Affairs Council of Central and South Asian countries. The meeting was held to discuss and exchange ideas on the draft regulations of the

Samarkand - June 27, 2024 ECO Deputy Secretary General Mr. Kashif Zaman represented the Organization at Global Education Forum.  Mr. Zaman, as a keynote speaker of the opening session, highlighted significance of cooperation in scientific and educational domains. He urged

Tehran – June 24, 2024 ECO Secretary General Ambassador Khusrav Noziri addressed the 19th Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) in Tehran, Iran. At the outset, the Secretary General praised the Islamic Republic of

“The Year of Enhanced and Resilient ECO Region through Expansion of Intra-Regional Trade”


H.E. Secretary General
Amb. Khusrav NOZIRI

Ambassador Khusrav NOZIRI is the13th Secretary General of the ECO who started his tenure in August 2021.

There are four Deputies Secretary General in the ECO …
There are six directorates and six sections in the ECO …
H.E. Secretary General Amb. Khusrav NOZIRI


Directorates and Sections

ECO Region and Global Agenda

The ECO intergovernmental machinery and institutional arrangements, as one of the most prominent regional economic groups in the world, are vividly interacting with the emerging and trending global issues, particularly the UN-sponsored global agendas. It was the case from the 1960s, when ECO’s predecessor - RCD - began to exist close to the “development paradigm” of the day, and continues to be the case in the post-2015 development agenda. The ECO Member States, individually and collectively as a region, are involved in policymaking as well as operational frameworks to react to the challenges/opportunities exposed by the global issues of regional and national impacts. These include, among others, climatic changes, natural hazards, and sectors and themes addressed by the SDGs.


This issue of ECO Chronicle contains information on activities within ECO. It also includes interviews, articles and reports.

Member Countries
Area Km2
Regional Trade
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